End Of My Days is an endearing slice-of-life short script written about an ill women who reflects on her past, present and future in the scenes of her final moments with her partner and caregiver. She wonders what lies ahead on the other side of life — and more importantly, how her husband will carry on.
Background: Around the time I started this script, my grandmother was sick with cancer. Before I finished, she passed. For a while, she was unable to speak and had trouble keeping her energy levels up enough to be present in the moment. She was cared for by my grandfather who, having been in the workforce his whole life, had to learn how to take care of the home. I wondered often what she was thinking as she tried to enjoy her the final moments of life. So, I wrote a fictionalized short script that reflected what I could only imagine was going on in her head. I'm probably wildly off the mark, but it was sort of my private tribute and goodbye to her. TRY CRITICIZING IT NOW!